每天试用一小时vpvp-暴雪vp永久免费加速器下载官网Dear Parents & Students,
Liberty School has moved to a remote learning environment for the remainder of the 2024-2024 school year. I have established a Google Classroom for each class. Each school day, you will need to visit your classroom complete the assigned tasks. I will be holding "office hours" from 10:00 am to 11:30 am daily. During this time, I will be available to video-chat with students concerning the lessons or questions they may have about assignments. To contact me during this time, click on the Zoom link in my contact information. If students need to talk with me outside of my office hours, they may contact me via phone or text to schedule an appointment. There may be some situations in which I require students to contact me via phone, text or zoom as part of a specific assignment. |
每天试用一小时vpvp-暴雪vp永久免费加速器下载官网Please use the following information to contact me.
email: lniccoli.5225@gmail.com cell: (970) 520-9339 For office hours (10:00 - 11:30 am) Zoom: http://zoom.us/j/783958848 Meeting ID: 783 958 848 Password: 1xrShZ |